Primary Election Day is August 2nd!

General Election Day is November 8th!

Register to Vote

Complete your voter registration online or via paper form.

Apply for an Absentee Ballot

Apply for absentee ballot online or via paper form.

Apply to be an Election Worker

Apply to serve as an election worker in the City of Grand Rapids.

How one retired public school worker is removing barriers from the ballot box

“As a poll worker I get to ensure every person who walks into the polling booth is able to vote with as few barriers as possible.”

- Josie Guillen

Read more of Josie’s story!

“I Am My Brother’s Keeper”: How Jordoun is getting his community to the polls

“I am my brother’s keeper and that for me means making sure the people in my circle are registered to vote and exercise that right, whether it's calling them and reminding them to register, or driving them to the polls on election day.”

- Jordoun Eatman

Read more of Jordoun’s story!


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